Thursday 17 March 2011

ive already made the mistake of not doing something and regretting it. so now, im going to try my best to live without any regrets. please please please make this work for me this time. this might be my greatest regret. 

i feel like ive disappointed you more than once and maybe this is karma. i dont even know if i believe in karma! but i believe that i made the biggest mistake. and here i am running back to you, taking a chance, hoping against hope you havent given up on me. what i did probably made you hate me. (i hope not though. hehe). please forgive me for what i did. i think right now im feeling what you felt back then. guess i now can say 'i know how you feel' and actually mean it. i'll wait. i will. :)

now or never?

so here's the thing.. im supposed to be studying but uhhhh....there's been a lot of procrastinating going on. HEHEH. i studied that one noght for like half an hour kali sja. LOL. and i was supposed to be making notes but in the end, my paper was empty. hmm.. thats bad.. right? hahah

oh well! there's always tomorrow. :p
(yatah nada tu nahh..)

Wednesday 16 March 2011

A girl's gotta do.....

.... what a girl's gotta do. LOL :p

excuse my open-ness. lol

Tuesday 15 March 2011



I just realised that i havent made a 'Happy New Year' post. im not gonna do it now btw because thats just pointless being almost 4 months late. LOL. if you read my old posts, you can see that my happy new year post is always late.every year. ahwell, story of my life. no?

well, lets see.. a lot of things have changed since 1st January. and let me tell you something, I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER NOW! SERIOUSLY, i thought i was happy then, with ..., but now im so much happier! why you ask? because ive never felt more closer to Allah than i am now. i am at peace. :)

p/s: i am no longer with ...... so lets just ignore the old posts. kthnxbye. :)
p/p/s: i'd like to keep the posts anyway to remind me of what happened. whether good or bad. kthnxbye. :)