Friday 2 July 2010

Alzheimer's Disease

i was on my way home from school and the car radio was on. there was this 'ceramah' on the radio and i listened to it. then the dude said something like 'if you easily forget about things dont take it lightly. it could be signs of alzheimer's disease. you will get it when you grow older' i rephrased it ofcourse. he said it in a 'ceramah-y' way.. haha. but yeahhh that caught my attention. it made me scared because i forget about things easily. i usually cant seem to recall what i did the day before. i think i kind of became paranoid afterwards. i started  thinking about what would happen if i got married, have kids, and got alzheimer's at a young age/mid-30s... i would not be able to recognise my husband, my kids. they'd think id forgotten about them but i wont be able to help it because its a disease! i was watching this korean movie about alzheimer's and i cried real was so sad. thats why i got scared and  paranoid. like, what if i'll get alzheimer's when i get older? what would happen to me? to my family? how will i live? this was a few days ago i think. or maybe like a week ago.

BUT what really made me think about it today was what happened this morning. i was in the shower and i washed my hands with soap. then i washed my face using a facial cleanser. while i was watching my face, i thought 'eh! cuci tangan sudah kah tadi?' i washed thhe soap off my face immediately and washed my hands. THEN i remembered that i did wash my hands. already! these kinds of things happen to me all the time. its kinda like a short-term memory loss thing. i always end up doing the same thing twice because i dont remember doing it the first time. well, i got really scared this morning that i googled Azheimer's Disese. 

YES! i actually googled it! haha well, it turns out that the symtoms are way worse than what im experiencing. what im experiencing is only normal because we also forget things as we age right? so its not a big deal. its not Alzheimer's. i dont have  it. im just a  normal forgetful person because i hit my head. thats all. nothing much.

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